MOS CORE certificate exams are available in the following Microsoft Office products: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, Project and SharePoint. Microsoft Office Specialist CORE certification is the exams for people who want to check the skills in the Microsoft Office suite package and who want to improve themselves in that area.
Hirmizy Group is a company that tries for you to be the best by providing serious efforts. Accordingly, Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exam series are categorized as follows When looking at the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) series in general terms, the "Specialist, Expert and Master" series are seen. However, the important point here is to ensure that these students reach as highest degrees as possible. The most important reason for this is that the market swallows the weak link instantly and always carries the strongest link on hand. The Microsoft Office Specialist certifications that are available are Word Associate, Excel Associate, PowerPoint Associate, Outlook Associate, SharePoint Associate, OneNote Associate, Access Expert, Word Expert & Excel Expert. Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification provides industry-leading assessments of skills and knowledge, giving students and professionals real-world exercises to appraise their understanding of Microsoft Office. MOS is the world’s most recognized information worker certification program that accounts for the delivery of over one million certification exams annually. Hirmizy Group also offers the opportunity to catalyze exam successes for every student participating in exams with MOS certification. The Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certificate is trying to create their lessons and take one step closer to their dreams of success, with hundreds of thousands of applicants every year, and for both students, and candidates who want to improve their workforce. WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF MOS CERTIFICATE? In workforce development, MOS prepares and places job candidates, ensuring they possess the skills employers require.For business, MOS maximizes office productivity and efficiency for the organization and increases job satisfaction and heightens career achievement among employees.In academia, MOS promotes success in the classroom for students (and instructors), builds individual distinction, and prepares students for an increasingly competitive workforce.Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) is the credential required by academia and business, recognized globally as the premier credential chosen by individuals seeking to validate their knowledge, skills and abilities relating to the Microsoft Office applications.